Our Mission
Turn the legal agreement from a value drain to a value gain
Our Journey
Like you, we use a lot of legal agreements. In our opinion, they're jumbles of things that you need to remember to do - usually manually and usually poorly. This holds business back - we know because its held ours back - plus there's a ton of research that says the same thing. Our co-founders looked for a better way (like you're probably doing now) and only found systems that promised to make them a bit less bad.
Around the time that Web3 technology (blockchain) started to outgrow its crypto-origins, our co-founders thought "finally! now we can use fully digitalised legal agreements" and started to put together ideas for a business that could only work if it was based on self-fulfiling legal agreements. As the next step, they started looking for the Web3 based legal agreement platform that they were sure was out there. What they found was that Web3 (as used by decentralised finance) and legal agreements don't fit together. With the exception of Hunit's innovative architecture, Web3 - both now and then - simply isn't compatible with what courts and regulators consider to be a binding, compliant legal agreement.
That's when Hunit's co-founders realised that everything that they had brainstormed paled in comparison with the potential of solving the global problem of the analogue legal agreement. After all, legal agreements are the core structure of the global economy and trillions of them are signed every year.
Hunit's team
Gerard Ramos
Specialist in delivering high performance technology to large-scale financial applications in Fortune 500 companies. Thought leader in blockchain and smart contract technology, member of Forbes Technology Council, Hyperledger advisory board, Linux Foundation, frequent speaker at open source, blockchain and fintech events.